Welcome to

Kirschstraße Kennels

We offer the best West German Show-line Shepherd puppies

Looking for a German Shepherd puppy with good conformation and drive, one that looks beautiful and performs even better?

Looking for a German Shepherd puppy that can be a coach potato but can also go on a long, vigorous hike?

Looking for a German Shepherd puppy that will defend you and your family at a moment’s notice?

If so, our Kirschstrase German Shepherd puppies are a perfect fit for your family!

News from our Kennel:

10/8: Oura vom hohlen Huegel bred to Xentos von der Wilhelmswarte.

12/7/21: Oura x Xentos puppies born!

“A birth is not really a beginning. Our lives at the start are not really our own but only the continuation of someone else’s story.”
― Diane Setterfield

Dedicated to my first German Shepherd Dog, Ben.